Where Lies the Lying Line?

I once convinced a friend of mine that he had to grow out his hair. His hair was always just barely longer than a buzz cut. As it would grow out, it would start looking like a wavy coat---the kind that a rex cat has. And since blogger won't let me upload the rex cat picture for some reason, I'm going to have to give you the url (http://made-in-afrika.com/kittens2cats/braviout.cornish.rex.cat.jpg).

I realized that he had curly hair, and therefore the hair was worthy of being grown out. I promised him that if he did it, he'd be known as the Curly Haired Boy in his ward. Well, what can I say except that he's married now? I'm rarely ever wrong, folks.

And so we come to present day and my current dilemma. My coworker, DP, would have wavy, curly hair if he just grew it out! I'll admit it---when he came back from Spain with longer hair, he had me swooning. But then he cut it? Why? It was just getting longer again and today, I noticed that he cut it again.

I don't know what to say. I figure that if I say nothing, it's obviously insulting. Like the time that I got my hair cut---several inches came off---and no one said anything to me about my hair cut. Ouch. So then I see my options as being these:

1) "DP! You got your hair cut!"---obvious lack of any compliment, may lead to DP asking if I like it

2) "DP! Your hair looks nice!"---it does look nice... it would just look better if he would stop cutting it

3) "DP! You got your hair cut! I like it!"---I shall be thrust down to Hell with all the other liars

4) "DP! You got a hair cut. What on Earth were you thinking?? Don't you know that your curly waves make you infinitely more attractive? You cut it right before it was getting good."

Brozy suggests option 5, which is pretty good: "You got a haircut! I bet it's much cooler in this weather."

The sad thing is that it's no secret that DP is on the hunt for a wife. If only he knew where his locks of wavy hair would get him...


Cooper said...

Option 6: You got a haircut! So did you do it yourself, or did you actually pay money for that?

erin said...

We all know that DP pines for someone specific. So perhaps he doesn't really care right now.

daltongirl said...

Maybe if it were put up to him that Someone Specific liked longer hair . . .

If you're going to lie to get your way, you might as well make it good.

Anonymous said...

I've been growing it out ever since I read your blog, and so far the hunt continues.