Tu cremallera esta debajo.

As long as I'm telling old stories, here's another one:

Two of my guy friends were once taking Spanish 101 together. One guy was French, the other Canadian. So one day, the Frenchie noticed that the teacher's fly was down. Not one to want to see him exposed like that in public, he raised his hand and told the teacher that his fly was down.

The teacher went red, ran out of the room, zipped up the fly, came back, and thanked Frenchie for letting him know.

A week or so later, Frenchie noticed yet again that the teacher's fly was down. He said to the Canuck, "The teacher's fly is down. Tell him."

Canuck: I'm not going to tell him.

Frenchie: Well, I don't want to tell him again. I don't want everyone in the class to wonder why I keep noticing.

Canuck: I'm not going to tell him.

The Frenchie then raised his hand and told the teacher, "Canuck noticed that your fly is down."

The teacher went red, ran out of the room, zipped up the fly, came back, and turned to Canuck. "Why didn't you tell me that my fly was down?"

Canuck, already completely red, thought quickly and said, "I didn't know how to say it in Spanish!"


Cooper said...

Canucks. Go figure.

Tolkien Boy said...

Right after "Hello" and "My name is...", "Your fly is down" should be a standard thing taught in foriegn languages.

I'd give it to you in the Latin, but there's no word for "fly" in Latin.