Yesterday I did a lot of cleaning and preparing for the parents (who are coming into town tonight). Among the severl things I found to do was cutting the blind cords. You see, in my kitchen we have venetian blinds on the windows. The problem is that they're obviously new, and the previous tenants never cut the cords to an appropriate length. They also didn't remove the WARNING tags from the blinds. So it means that every time the swamp cooler is on (always), then the cords and the WARNING tags keep flapping in the winds created by the swamp cooler.

So it was time to shorten the cords such that they would be out of the way of the gusty drafts. I cut them to perfect lengths. It did actually occur to me at one point that if I were doing something wrong, I'd be making a big, irreparable mess. But of course, when have I been known to do anything wrong??
Last night, when The Boy and I decided that we were done with cleaning/unpacking and that it was time to go to bed, I went to shut the blinds. Well, it turns out that I had cut the cords to one blind when the blind was down (good) and I had cut the cords to the other blind when it was up (bad). Now there is only enough cord for that blind to go half-way down.
I seriously need to check myself in for a brain scan to find out what is wrong with me!
Oh, Cicada. If that's the dumbest thing you've done in the last couple of days, you'll be alright. However, I'm not sure I'm entirely convinced that's the case.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Coop. And thanks for the house warming gift---wait! Oh yeah. Men don't think to do stuff like that.
You're beginning to understand men. I feel I've done my job.
Oh, go have a baby or something.
Maybe you don't understand men after all....
Well, at least the blinds will look symmetrical when the ones by the cooler are up and the others are down. And you didn't really want to put *all* the blinds down at once, anyway.
(Found you from "Next Blog")
You can cut the cords on a venetian blind?
I swear to all that is domestic I never thought of that.
Thanks for the giggle.. although I don't think you need a brain scan for that!!! :) :)
I think you should go ahead with the brain scan, even if you don't really need one. You never know, and plus they give you valium if you tell them you're even slightly claustrophobic. Ohhhhh MAN, I love that stuff. When it's administered by a certified medical professional, of course.
You know, there is a reason those cords are that length... :)
Yeah, this has nothing to do with your post, but I came over here hoping for an email address for you, but there wasn't one. I just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog about the whole Mormon thing. I don't have time to comment on everyone's comments right now on my own blog, but I wanted to let you know I appreciated yours. :)
I miss you, Cici. Maybe the Gods are starting to realize they blessed you unfairly in all other aspects of your existence, so they are beginning to steal from your common sense.
Too true, Mishkin. The gods have blessed me in so many aspects of my life! Now... when do I get to be bless in the "hot body" aspect?
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