Rice is my age---she's friends with all the kids in our family, and a few years ago, she moved to D.C. to get her PhD. She's going to cure diabetes. She's quite funny and personable and my parents loved her as soon as they met her. Since she now only lives about 45 minutes away from my parents, my parents remember to invite her to their house for special occasions, like thanksgiving and Easter. This past thanksgiving, my mom called her to invite her, but Rice had to decline the invitation because she had plans. Still, she stayed on the phone with my mom for a full 45 minutes and chatted. She was in her lab at the time, and when she got off the phone, a coworker asked her, "Who was that?" She replied, "Oh, that was El Senor's mom." Her coworker said, "That's just weird."
As you know (or as you may not know because BYU doesn't celebrate this holiday), Easter is this weekend. So my mom called Rice to extend her the Easter invitation. Rice accepted and then the girls chatted.
Mom: So. Got any hot dates this weekend?
Rice: I do, in fact. Do you?
Mom: Yes. I'm dating an American now.
I just thought it was a cute and funny way for my mom to announce that my dad was sworn in as an American citizen this past week. So here's my dad, or the guy my mom's dating, all sworn in.

That's adorable. Your mom is funny.
And that wasn't just a cheap your-mom joke.
Yes, your mom IS funny. And congratulations to your dad on his new citizenship! I hope he likes it.
Congratulations to your dad!
What was his citizenship before?
Kelly, we're from Canada. So now my mom's the only one in the family who doesn't have a dual citizenship---she's only Amercian.
(And Miss Nemesis, you may point out to SavvyMom that if people are asking what my dad's citizenship is on the Internet, it means that I DON'T broadcast the fact that I'm Canadian too much. So there.)
Many congrats to your papa who has now joined the varsity team. My wife Limpy joined recently and life has been good...
Yaaay! I already sense in my heart that America is a better place.
I just have one question: what in the world is squirrel fishing, and should I be concerned?
Okay, so that was two questions.
Dual citizenship is where it's at.
(Not two tables and a microphone as is the common misconception.)
No. Dual citizenship doesn't quite have the same rhythm.
Q: I thought when you became an American citizen you were required to relinquish all other citizenships. Not so?`
I thought the same thing my whole life. Apparently it works oppositely. If you're an American citizen and you want to become something else, you must relinquish your American citizenship. Weird, eh?
This is how it works, the US doesn't recognize dual citizenship. If you're American, you're American. Even if you have, say, just to pick something, Spanish citizenship, the US will only ever recognize you as American. Spain will do the opposite. You swear to relinquish the other country, but it doesn't go beyond that.
Really, it's a cute little dance where one country pretends the other doesn't exist.
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