My body is amazing.

No, seriously. It amazes me.

Today as I was walking home from work, I was walking down a long flight of outdoor stairs (by the bell tower) and text messaging Kit at the same time. Walking down stairs and text messaging may be as dangerous as cutting Redlaw off in traffic (while she's talking on the phone). Without actually thinking (and that's the point here), I thought that I had reached the last step and expected my next step to fall on even ground.

But I misjudged, so I started to fall. Before I had the chance to complete the thought, "ohcrapmylaptopwillfallandthescreenwillcrack
andIwillhavenomorecomputer," my body had corrected the fall and recovered itself. And I was left with an embarrassed smirk on my face as well as a sore (strained neck), a strained groin, a strained back, strained thighs, and a hand that hurt where it smacked into the other hand and the cell phone. Really, it only took about 0.5 seconds for me to use and strain muscles in all those areas of my body.

And I think it's cool. That's all. Just cool. We probably almost fall more than we actually fall. And there's all sorts of body parts involved that just correct our mistake almost instantly. Sure, we have to deal with sore necks, backs, groins, thighs, and hands, but at least we don't have to deal with broken computers.

So in honor of my amazing body, and to compensate for the fact that some people are letting the ball drop on the poem of the day, I'll write an ode to my body.

My Body Magnificent

Although it may be pudgy and a little wee bit round
(on account of eating fudgy), I'll admit that I have found
I truly love my flabby figure with its curves (and curves and curves)
though I plan to reconfigure it. (And that's what it deserves).

I'll take it to the gym more oft, I'll walk it up the stairs.
With time it will become less soft (with time and lots of prayers).
I'll fill it up with healthful meals, go easy on the fudge.
Will that improve my sex appeal? Well, you can be the judge.


Th. said...


The stars have aligned and I just happen to know just what will improve your sex appeal:


stupidramblings said...

I don't know if commenting here is a violation of my 'policy.' I mean, you are talking about your body, but not in the way that would normally make me forget about making a comment.

Anyway, the poem was great. And great and great...

Cicada said...

Th.: There are no words. Except for "Aaaaaaaaaaaack!"

SR: If you don't want to violate your policy, do not click on Th.'s link.

stupidramblings said...

Too late...

Jenny said...

You are so poetic!

Anonymous said...

I just want to know if that contraption is at painful as it looks. (Or maybe I don't want to know.

Laura said...

okay I have to admit something.........I fall over nothing, and my body does NOT correct itself. I swear to you it is a falling curse. I can be standing there doing nothing and fall over. So don't feel to bad. but hey you were multi-tasking so you can't beat that. Good luck with healing those wounds!!

redlaw said...

Oh, thatnks for the link!!!

And I think it's so rad to take a moment and appreciate the body in all its glory...but th.'s link made me get nauseous...not appreciating my body right now...

Mary said...

Cic, I get that same feeling of awe about the human body everytime I puke. I mean, that is one violent act. It's breathtaking.

And have I told you lately how much I love your poems? I share them with the whole household. Please don't stop writing them. Ever.