
Murray blogged about this over on his blog, but I just had to mention it too because it made me laugh out loud several times. Go visit this site.

What is anyone going to talk about or satirize after this election?? It just seems like there's so much great fodder for comedy out there right now that's just going to go away as soon as the election's over. Pretty sad, really.

Also pretty sad is the fact that neither Jon Stewart nor Stephen Colbert report on Springville politics, so I have no idea who to vote for in Springville. I actually have to try and research that myself, I guess.


MTDA said...

Sarah Palin is the best thing to happen to comedy since sliced bread.

Shan @ Design Gal said...

lol- mavrick!!

Stu Finnigan said...

You Betcha! has the interactive version - try clicking the door several times, or the bridge to nowhere....