Wherein I Broke the Law

(or "Beer for a Minor")

About four or five years ago, I was living with Sophie in a cute little apartment in a turquoise house and life was pretty much perfect. Sophie was an ideal roommate, and I don't just mean that she would go to SLC every weekend, leaving me with the entire apartment to myself, though she did that, and I was grateful.

One Monday afternoon I was at work and Sophie called. She asked if I would like to participate in an apartment FHE that night instead of attending our own FHE group. We rarely went to FHE, so this wasn't so out of the ordinary. And then she announced what our activity would be. We would be buying beer.

You see, Sophie is somewhat of a cuisine adventurer and she had recently been served a dish called two-beer-beef that she wanted to try making herself. The problem, for her, was buying the beer. She was only twenty. I was twenty-one.

First we went to the grocery store to look at their beer selection. It's undeniable that I felt a little dirty looking at the beer and discussing which brand to buy. I feared it would look like two Mormons going jack if Sophie and I went to the cash register with nothing but two cans of beer. However, neither of us could imagine roasting a beef in Coors Light or Miller. And we were shocked not to find Guinness at the grocery store.

So we set out to go to the liquor store. I wondered if Sophie was okay to come in with me, but indeed, she followed me. Once in the store, she started asking the employees what brand of beer they felt would suit the recipe well. After they gave her lots of advice and she made her decision, she handed me the two cans of beer and a ten dollar bill. I also wondered if that would, in any way, look suspicious.

When we got to the counter, they asked us for ID. I brought out my driver's license and before Sophie fished around for hers, she said matter-of-factly, "I'd show you mine, but I'm underage."

The girls behind the counter stopped and stared at us. One said, "Okay. Technically, we're not allowed to sell you this beer if you're underage."

Sophie said, pointing to me, "But she's the one buying it."

"Yes," said the liquor-seller, "but we know that the beer is for you, and you're underage." Here she paused, and then continued. "But, since we really do believe that you're buying this beer so that you can make two-beer-beef, we'll let it go this time. Just next time, don't even come into the store."

And that is the story of when I bought beer for a minor.


B.G. Christensen said...

You rebel.

Cicada said...

The funny thing is that I read "rebel" as a verb instead of a noun, and I thought, "Well, yes, but this really was a story of several years ago, so it might be more accurate to say 'You rebelled.'" But then I got your meaning.

ambrosia ananas said...

It's so much easier to leave the minors out in the car. Though I guess they don't really need to come in, since I'm always buying for myself.

So was the two-beer beef good?

stupidramblings said...

You sinner-ed.

The time I bought beer for a recipe, I didn't think anything was wrong with carting it around the store until I ran into EVERY PERSON I HAVE EVER MET who would look at me askance if they had seen the beer in my cart.

I don't buy the hard stuff anymore...

Th. said...


My goodness, you certainly came back with a vengeance.

And beer.

Jenny said...

My sister (not Nemesis) made beer battered halibut one day and needed someone to go to the store for her to get it and she said about 10 guys ended up going to the gas station across the street to get her one beer.
I keep seeing all these fantastic looking recipes that call for alcohol but I am too cheap to try them.

i i eee said...

So how was the two beer beef? It sounds kind of tasty right now.

Mary said...

Nice legal syntax..."Wherein". very nice. I suppose that helps when you're a dirty lawbreaker.

Melyngoch said...

I bought my sister beer for her twenty-first birthday. I brought it over to her house at 8 am with a cupcake and a big pink bow. She kept it on the refrigerator all year. Her roommates also gave me suspicious looks all year.

Anonymous said...

But they stopped giving you suspicious looks when the year ended, right?

April said...

Once in college I bought beer for my underage roommate and her friends. They were from Japan, where they could drink anytime. I just about hyperventilated in the liquor store, thinking they'd somehow know I was buying it for minors.