Low-Speed Police Chase

This morning, I awoke to the sound of clopping. I sat wondering if it could possibly be horses, and realized that if I didn't sit up and look out the window, I'd miss my opportunity to actually find out. So I sat up and looked out my window just in time to see two horses galloping up 7th East, followed by a police jeep with its lights flashing.

And then I imagined the television spectacle this would make, helicopters floating above, filming everything for CNN a la O. J. Simpson: a low-speed police chase.

Will the horses be charged for resisting arrest? Were they running north to Canada?

The only thing that is certain is that it was worth waking up to witness.


stupidramblings said...

If the horses were seen with out shirts, then they probably were on the lam. COPS criminals are always shirtless. In fact, I don't think anything counts as a crime unless you have your shirt off.

I was out of the country during the whole OJ thing, so I missed it. I had to get my info second hand from non-football fan/soccer hooligan/American hater. I thought all the hubbub was exaggerated, but when I got home, I was treated to the truth: that the whole situation was more sordid than anyone could have written...

stupidramblings said...

...which is different than WITHOUT shirts...

Ryan said...

Horses are stupid. How have you been, Cicada? It's been a while...

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Maybe it was a parade?

Carina said...

I'm with c jane (or is she with me, two peas in a pod are we.)

Maybe they were practicing for the upcoming parade(s.)

Or maybe, just maybe, they were horse rustling. Someone's gonna hang tonight.

Cicada said...

No parade. It was just two horses that had escaped and a police car chasing them to protect them until their eventual recapture, I'm sure.

Natalie Gordon said...

My husband was out for an early morning run (because he's all healthy) and a horse w/o a rider OR a shirt was chasing him. He said it was scarier than when dogs chase him. EEEKK!!

Jenny said...

That's a pretty cool story. I've seen bears and moose run down roads, but never farm animals.

Sara said...

Once on our way to seminary (naturally the sun was barely coming up) a horse followed us down the road. Knowing where he belonged, we got behind him and turned him around...but we weren't driving a police car. Perhaps these horses were eloping...