I find it interesting...

...that a friend says she avoids going to Gold's Gym in the afternoons because she doesn't like the meat market feel of it. She doesn't like to be working out and amongst girls who have gone to the gym in skimpy little outfits (she described an off-the-shoulder shirt that was safety-pinned together, worn by a girl whose hair and makeup were done perfectly, an indicator that she wasn't at the gym for a serious workout). She doesn't like to look up to see Muscle-Bound Hunk flirting with Safety-Pin Girl. She just likes to go and focus on being healthy.

It was interesting because even though I go in the afternoons or evenings, 1) I have never really noticed those who go for social reasons 2) if I have noticed them, I guess I haven't cared at all. It doesn't matter to me at all who else is at the gym. I go, I put in my DVD, and I work out. Beyond that, I really don't care about anything else.

It was interesting that she complained about using the locker room at that particular Gold's because she'd be in there, listening to comments like, "I can't believe she bought $300. Like, the jeans I'm wearing? They only cost $100." Again, if I heard a comment like that, I wouldn't think to put it down on a list of reasons why I don't like going to Gold's Gym.

I find it interesting that I've received a coupon from Red Robin. A very tempting special offer. Indeed, I can get a 20% discount if I buy a gift certificate of $500 or more. Now I know that it's a wonderful thing to get a deal on a Christmas present. And just think---this means that you'd be getting $500 worth of Red Robin food for $400. But... does anyone care? I mean, first of all, how do you wrap that thing? A $500 gift certificate would make one helluva stocking stuffer. I mean, you could buy a dryer with that money. In fact, you could buy a couch with that money. You could buy a plane ticket to Italy with that money (if you watch for deals). You could buy a 32-inch television with that money. You could buy a pretty cool camera with that money. You could buy an entire wardrobe with that money. You could buy a pair of jeans with $200 to spare with that money. You could buy a couple of iPods with that money. You could buy your own personal elliptical machine with that money. Who in their right mind would want a gift certificate to Red Robin instead of any of the things listed above??

Well there you have it. A couple things that are... interesting.


Limon said...

I found it interesting, while searching for flights to Costa Rica on Orbitz, that though there were plenty of one-stop flights for under seven hundred dollars available, there was also a two-stop flight for--are you ready--10,000 dollars. That's right. 10,000. Why would anyone buy a ticket that expensive off of Orbitz when there are better tickets for about 1/20 the price? Huh? HUH?

daltongirl said...

I think some people already have everything else in the world that $500 can buy. That's the target audience for the Red Robin campaign. Personally, if I were in that position, I would rather donate money to a charity in someone's name than give them $500 worth of mediocre, fattening food.

And as far as Gold's goes, I have heard stories. When I go, I patronize the local rec center, which is frequented by old, fat people. That way I feel really good about myself if I choose to take a look around at the others. It's heavenly. No DVDs though. Just the Today Show on a tiny TV that gets questionable reception and has partially blown-out speakers.

ambrosia ananas said...

I really like RR's deep-fried chicken sandwiches. Their fries don't excite me too much, though. And even the chicken sandwich doesn't get me $500 worth of excited. I mean, with $500, I'd only be $15 (plus tax) short of these shoes I really want: http://www.jf-w.com/en/news/shopping/03012004011039.html.

Th. said...


Heifer International would be my choice, dg.

The whole dvd thing is getting me to rethink many of my most basic assumptions about working out.

I get sick spending more than 10 dollars on pants.

I have never been to Italy, but my wife wants to go back.

I like Red Robin, so if your problem is just who to give it to, there is always me.

Except there is no RR around here....

Tolkien Boy said...

You can watch DVDs at Gold's?

I seriously need to rethink my BYU gym plan...