Out with the Old, In with the New

The Boy left me. This is sad on many levels. I absolutely loved living with him. Sure, we had our moments, like when we argued over who was leaving the toilet seat up (I may mention that for the last six months, I swear it's only been left up once) or when I talked to him about eating the ingredients I had bought for recipes and I talked to him about eating the ingredients I had bought for recipes and I talked to him about eating the ingredients I had bought for recipes. I guess he never quite got that. But who am I to complain? He's kept me supplied with Crystal Light for the past nine months. And he's done really sweet things. Take the other night for example.

I was in bed with the window open, listening to the creepy sounds outside my window. This used to be a bigger problem when he was working the night shift and I was all alone. Last summer, I finally realized that the "footsteps" I was continually hearing was actually the sound of the trees hitting the shed beside my window. But the other night, as I tried to convince myself that the creepy noises were just the trees, I began to realize that the creepy noises were not the trees. There was something alive outside my window. And it was moving.

I sent him a text message: Come here.

Seconds later, he was in my room, and of course, the creepy noises had already stopped. But, being the brave man he was, he said he'd go out and investigate. "I'm just happy I have this!" he said. I expected to see him with a gun, a baseball bat, or even a golf club, but he was wielding a flashlight.

I heard him go outside and around to the side of my house where my window was. And then I heard a cat meowing. He found the culprit. But then instead of just shooing the cat away and coming back into the house, he did a full circuit around the house, inspecting the back yard, too, to make sure that there were no other unwelcome guests. He's a sweetie.

(Another reason I'll miss him: The other night, I saw him coming home. I was sitting in the living room with the lights out. I went to the door and waited for him to come in. He opened the door and I jumped at him and yelled. The look on his face was one of sheer terror, but it was nothing like the look on my face when he immediately punched me in the boob. He had no idea what he was doing, but it was the fight of his fight-or-flight instinct.)

I have replaced The Boy with a roommate I'll call Redrass. I'll call her that until 1) she discovers my blog and 2) she demands that I change it. Redrass is a friend of mine from class this past semester. We had three of our Tuesday-Thursday classes together, so we ended up spending a fair amount of time together. She is one of the very few people who I've met in class and chosen to hang out with outside of class. She's simply cool enough.

So welcome Redrass and goodbye The Boy.


Anonymous said...

Fare thee well, The Boy.

Th. said...


And best of luck to the Boy in all his future endeavors, wherever they may lead.

Et cetera.

redlaw said...

Redrass...where did that name come from?

PS - I tried to stop by and see you yesterday but no one was home...*sigh*

Anonymous said...

May I mention that the food I have taken has always been after Cicada let 3-4 things sit and spoil in the fridge. I simply thought "Gee, what a shame to let this go to waste." Then I'd get chewed out (hehe) over it. And then 3-4 more things would sit in the fridge and spoil. And I wouldn't touch them, despite the urge to eat them. Then the next thing I'd eat to prevent spoilage and waste would happen to be the one thing in the fridge not in a can that Cicada planned on using.

Just my luck.

Ryan said...

I always thought 'the boy' was your boyfriend.

I am stupid. Dang it.

Anonymous said...

Things aren't too busy tonight at work so I was reading my friend's blog and the blogs of the people who comment on his blog and the blogs of the people they link to. And guess what? That group happened to include you...my very own *coloc.* Small world, no?

It's ok if you call me redrass...just don't forget the second 'r'. That wouldn't make a very apt description.

btw, I like your blog.

Cicada said...

Redrass, I'm impressed that you found my so quickly without my even having to point my blog out to you.

I know it's rude to refer to an inside joke in such a public forum, but I don't care: Maybe I'll have to start calling you Redass if we ever try that thing with the firecracker with and without the marshmallow. Who knows what'll happen? You buy the firecrackers, I'll provide the marshmallows.