Time Management

Time Management seems to be a whole new game post graduation. Back in August, I was working a part-time job, taking classes full-time, trying to finish projects in time for graduation, spending time with my family in town, trying to get in my last hours of fun with Redras, and job hunting (including going to several interviews in SLC when I was living in Provo). You can imagine that every minute of my time was packed.

But now? It's strange to have entered the Real World and realize that beyond work from nine to five, I have no other commitments. I find myself bored a lot or watching too much television. I need to get a couple of hobbies---I have a couple of projects in mind, but one I can't start until I get a sewing machine and the other is a family history project and there's no excuse for not starting so I'll probably start it today.


Michael Paul Bailey said...

I remember when I was in college and my bishops and other leaders will always talk about how life is so much busier after college. They were so wrong. I have so much more time now that I'm just working. The thing that I like best is the fact that work doesn't follow me home like school does.

Melyngoch said...

Maybs you should write a novel.

Tolkien Boy said...

...or, wait five minutes. I find that, like the weather, uncommitment usually changes quickly and frighteningly.

Anonymous said...


Fun things I've started doing to occupy my time, post-grad:

- read biographies
- study French*
- swim in Utah Lake
- explore the canyons
- start a dinner group
- read people's blogs

Anonymous said...

* = I was going to include some disclaimer about how those whose native tongue is French need not study it, but then I changed my mind. And then I forgot to remove the asterisk.

Kristeee said...

I felt so lost about 2 weeks after graduation - I had lost part of my identity or something. I fixed it, in part, by re-reading the entire Anne of Green Gables series and other books I haven't read since Jr. High or so. That was nice. After my siblings-in-law stop getting married (we're coming up on wedding 3 of 3 for this year since April!), I'll be looking for a new hobby again. Keep us posted with what ends up filling your time, please!

Michael Paul Bailey said...

That's funny; I lost my identity by reading the entire Anne of Green Gables series.

stupidramblings said...

Isn't it great?

That's the one thing we graduated people aren't supposed to talk about much is the freedom of having our free time free. No hoops to jump through. No time spent after midnight "finishing up a project." In fact the majority of your time spent awake after midnight is spent on pure, unabashed fun.


Anonymous said...

I love the feeling of sitting around and thinking, "I don't have to do homework. Ever again." and then you just waste a bunch of time and feel great about it.

Kind of like the feeling of sitting around after dinner and thinking, "I don't have to go out tracting. Ever again." Only I still get that feeling sometimes, after twenty years, and it sends a feeling of deep, deep contentment through my entire body. On the other hand, I'm thinking about going back to school, so the postgraduate bliss must not be as powerful as the postmission bliss.

Maybe one of your new hobbies could be to write emails to your friends where you try to make them feel like lazy slobs just because they watch LOST twelve hours in a row when they're sick. I bet that would be fun. And fulfilling.