Okay, so I know I'm a jerk for waiting this long to show you all the prize, but I'm sure you all have it in your hearts to forgive me. After the baby came, I was in no mood to boot up the computer at all. Ever. But now things are starting to normalize a little, so I'm ready to share pictures. Let's face it---that's what you've all come here today to see anyway!
I know I could go into pretty graphic/vivid detail about the whole experience, and I probably will at some point, but this post is more for those who want to get the gist of it. So here it is:
I went in for a non-stress test on Thursday morning at 9:00. They didn't like how his heart rate responded to some minor contractions, so they told me that they were going to send me to labor and delivery to have my induced. Which was so weird because I didn't expect to be having a baby on Thursday at all. We headed over to L&D, I got on a hospital gown, and at 10:30 I was hooked up to pitocin. My mom and Murray were with me, and my mil joined us soon after. We all visited and chatted while my contractions gradually grew stronger and stronger. Although it was 3:00 before they were intense enough for me not to feel like a wuss asking for the epidural, the time actually went by very quickly. Once I had the epidural, time continued to pass quickly, if not more comfortably. I even took a little nap while my body prepared itself for labor. I'm telling you, the epidural is my new BFF.
By late evening, my body was ready to start. I was still really comfortable because of the epidural, although I hated how my dead legs just felt like huge lumps of fat attached to the lower half of my body. If you had told me that I would have been sitting in the hospital for about ten hours waiting for push time, I would have thought it would feel like an eternity, but really the time passed quickly and pleasantly. It was all rather relaxing.
And to tell you the truth, the actual pushing part was much easier than I'd expected, too. Because I was still completely numb and painless below my belly button, the whole pushing experience felt kindof like a workout with a personal trainer---an upper body workout, since I couldn't feel my lower body. And after about an hour of pushing, I heard my doctor whisper something to the nurse about doing an episiotomy if the baby didn't come out in the next push, and that was motivation enough for me---the baby came out in the next push.

I don't have a blog name for him yet, but baby was 8 lbs 14 oz, and 20.5 inches. He's brought immeasurable joy to our lives so far.
(And lest you think that after an easy pregnancy, I've made labor and delivery sound like it's easy, let me assure you: labor and delivery were easy. Recovery the next couple of days was awful.)
(Also? I'm back to wearing my old jeans today. Thank goodness for gestational diabetes!!)
I'm with you. Pregnancy? Easy. Labor and delivery? Other than going past my due date, not too bad. Postpartum recovery? SUCKS.
Congrats; he's perfect!
And yeah - labour's not nearly as bad as you psych yourself up for and then NO ONE TELLS you about recovering! What IS that???
Congrats! He is adorable!!
And yes, gestational diabetes does create a few benefits.
Enjoy him!
He's absolutely gorgeous! Just perfect. I'm glad everything went well. About 48 hours after Murray posted, I started wondering if your labor and delivery had been long and horrible. I'm glad it was just you wanting to spend your time with your new baby instead of with the Internet. :)
I disagree with you. Labor and delivery: fine with an epidural, bad but very short without. Recovery: not great but not bad either. Pregnancy: nine months of blah, pain, moodiness, and insecurity. If I could get rid of one, it would be pregnancy.
Congratulations, Cicada!! He's beautiful!
Recovery is a beast.
But your baby is beautiful. Congratulations!
What a cutie! Congrats to you and Murray. :)
Could he (or your family) be any cuter? I dare say no. Congratulations!!
He's so cute! Congratulations!
What a handsome little fella!
also, i have to tell you that my verification on that last one was dilate. how appropriate.
He's beautiful! Congratulations!
Cute kid! Congratulations!
God bless the epidural. Good girl on your jeans. Good girl on not being too chicken to ask for drugs. Good girl on getting out a darling baby! So bright eyed! Just settle in and get to know the little guy for a while.
Congratulations! What a cute baby!
Oh I never got to see his eyes open! He is so precious and dear. And he looks just like you! Congrats!
I was so ready to congratulate you. And then your last little line made me think the two word phrase that I always call my sister.
You are one lucky woman.
Yay! Congratulations! He's such a punkin...
My literal thoughts after reading the word episiotomy: "Oh, hell no." I still stand by it. I'm so glad you were able to muster the pushing power to avoid THAT little experience. **shudder**
Also? I'm jealous over the skinny pants.
What an adorable family you are! I'm glad things went so well for you.
Yay!! And how do you look so darn good after labor?! Seriously?!?!
Congrats! I've been following your whole pregnancy and am finally de-lurking to say I'm soooo happy for you guys! Can't wait to hear his "blog name."
OH!!!! He is so cute! Good job kids.
Congrats on such a BEAUTIFUL baby! We wish you lots of sleep and no surprise pee showers during diaper changes!
I was so ready to congratulate you. And then your last little line made me think the two word phrase that I always call my sister.--Jenny
Wow, happy recovery TO YOU, Cicada. I can tell you though, being called that isn't so bad. In fact, it's relatively painless when you can shake your bum in your (holy crap) PRE-Pregnancy pants at her in response.
Also, is it just me or is Murry setting a new Daddy Trend in how to dress for labor? Dude looks spiffy.
And your baby is beyond beautiful, of course!
So sweet! And I'm impressed that you're even wearing jeans. It took me a few weeks to graduate from pajamas to real clothes. Congratulations!
Yay! What an adorable little family.
congrats, sorella! you look beautiful and oh so happy! hooray for little bundles of joy!
Congratulations!! He's perfectly adorable. And I agree with all the others here - recovery is way worse than the labor part (at least with an epidural). I was good friends with my Dermoplast can.
Enjoy mommyhood!
Congrats Cicada and Murray!
He's gorgeous :)
He is beautiful. Well done!
Oliver is beautiful! Sounds like a pretty easy labor and delivery. That is the easy part. The hard part is the baby. Ha!
Oh, and did you seriously fit back into your jeans already? That just makes me so jealous! I haven't been in my skinny jeans since before I had children!!! Lucky!
Congrats! He is a cutie.
Such a cute little man!! Lynette sent me an e-mail the day after he was born, but I've been anxious to see more pictures! Glad to hear that you are all doing well and adjusting to your new life! I have a little something that I need to get in the mail to you guys for him. Watch your mail box - I'll try to get it to the post office this week!! Congrats - he sure looks great!
Amy (Mike's cousin!)
What a cutie! (And you're not so bad yourself..) Glad everything went well. I echo your thoughts completely on the epidural, even if your mom is skeptical. Recovery kinda stinks but it wasn't the worst part of having kids for me.
Again, you have an adorable little son and I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to see you guys this summer!
Congratulations! What a doll!
P.S. You make me sick. => It took me about 7 months after my 2nd child was born to get back down to the size I was before my 1st was born. Kudos on that but I'm super jealous.
congrats! You guys will make the best parents! Oliver is such a beautiful baby, I am so incredibly happy for you and your family!
Hooray! Thank you for sharing some of the first family photos!!!
I aspire to be like you when I am pregnant. Smiling and excited, and then fitting ship-shape back into pre-pregnancy jeans. I fear that I will, instead, be the screaming, shrieking banshee of doom in the delivery room -- enough to actually scare my baby BACK INSIDE and entirely foil any plans to wear pants of any kind for quite a while.
You rock!
he is so cute!
Congratulations! The little man (Weren't you going to name him Kayden or Braxtin or something awesome like that?) is adorable. Well done. I love that through it all, you look so excited. I'm sure in your situation I'd only be able to muster a drowsy half smile.
Congratulations - I can't wait to meet him! He's beautiful!
He's SOOOO cute!!! Congratulations. I can't wait to meet him sometime.
"Cicada," congrats! I occasionally stop in, moreso recently when I knew the little man was coming. You do make it look easy. Good for "Murray" for being there.
I'm late, but: Congratulations!
Congrats he is so cute. Too bad I wasn't working... or maybe that was for the better? Anyway, he is adorable. Good work. Bravo on wearing your old jeans!
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